The 6th gen Collection was developed by the 6th generation of Sahrai who decided to showcase its rooted savoir-faire through brand new rugs.
Today, important international developers and interior designers are seeking the need of adaptability, quality and speed of execution for their residential, hospitality and bespoke projects. 6th gen ideally responds to these distinct requirements and offers a highly personalized and versatile selection that caters to every taste and preference.
The desire to create a juvenile and conformable reality that could meet the demand of high-quality and fast deliveries revealed 6th gen.
The younger touch is framed by Sahrai’s lively ability to provide custom made rugs in trendy colors and newest qualities.
“This idea of freshness is also given by the special names of 6th gen rugs. They are all named after cocktail recipes such as Cosmopolitan, Margarita, Bellini and many more…
Like cocktails, these rugs are designed to suit any scenario, vibe, or taste, with each one possessing its own unique personality and appearance. “ Noor Marsico
The 6th gen collection is a testament to Sahrai Milano’s tradition of excellence and continuous growth. This inventive collection represents a real union within the family business, as the sixth generation’s visionary ideas harmoniously merge with Sahrai’s Collections.