Noor Marsico is Rana’s daughter and she joined the Sahrai Reality more than two years ago. Together with her cousin Davar, she launched 6th gen. Today, almost two years after the launch of these new rugs, she decided to go through the creation process of the Collection and presents two rugs that she conceived with her cousins.
BELLINI “Bellini is a key rug of the 6th gen Collection. It was one of the first rugs to be presented at the launch of the 6th gen in 2022. Bellini represents the core reason behind the creation of the 6th gen Collection as we put aside the design and worked uniquely on the texture of the rug.”
VESPER “Last year for Design Week in Milan, we introduced different new rugs from the 6th Gen Collection. We decided to play even more with vivid colours, trendy designs and organic shapes. We really worked on using new materials and techniques for these novelties. Vesper is one of them!”